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final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page
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RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page
Originally posted by Devilin
With no replies, I'll assume everybody's happy
The thread, was quickly disappearing, it had over 30 viewers with no replies, although I appreciate the time and effort everybody in this forum gives, I also have other interests which limits my time

Firstly, I would like to say something about this first. I saw this thread minutes after you posted it. I actually wanted to post something, but I didnt. Know why? Cause I wanna to let others speak first; I feel that I dont really have the right to speak in all your discussions with Patchou, CookieRevised, others and you, judging from the previous discussions that you all had the other time. Do you need a link to that page? I bet that you will still remember it. Thats why you did changes to that page, and you think that its so perfect now...
Besides, not everyone turns on their PC to check this forum, and even if they did, I dare to say that some people dont wanna post cause they feel that they dont have the right to post anything here...
And, you think only you have other interests?

Originally posted by Devilin
And if somebody did complain to you, what would you do?  What have you done so far ? to address these serious issues ?,

If Patchou didnt do anything to address the issues (bugs, and even C2Media) complained, would Messenger Plus developed to this state today with all these great features? Would so many people download it? NO. I dont think I am biased due to I am a great supporter of Messenger Plus, but, if Patchou didnt listen to the complains, people will NOT use it anymore.

Originally posted by Devilin
I wish I had time to read every post in this forum, unfortunately I don't, although I have read some, my time is limited, perhaps a specific complaints page?  might resolve this

Then whats the point of this forum? Isnt this something like a 'complain' page where people can post their problems here? If you really wanna to give your users that read your page with something useful, do your research first.
Didnt your teacher in any form of schooling teach you before, that you need to base your points with actual facts? You cant just assume it, just like you cant assume that an apple drops down a tree due to magical powers...
(I know the statement above is crappy, dont need to point it out)

Originally posted by Devilin
My page will not be used as a platform, for saying, the messenger plus and C2, are easily uninstall,---  although they can be, they can also be extremely difficult to uninstall, they can cause serious problems and misery to the messenger plus user ,

Okay, if you dont want to use your page as a platform for saying that they are easily uninstalled, then dont! Nobody is forcing you in anyway to do that...
Another thing, why do you say that it can be extremely difficult to uninstall? If its so difficult to uninstall, then why are the steps stated in your website so easy to uninstall Messenger Plus?
Btw, I see that you are using either a Windows 98 or Windows ME PC right? But hey, many of us are on Windows XP now!
Just like what you said, from a beginner's point of view, he might not know what to do, since your screenshots are taken differently from his. If you really want to make it so easy, then, make it cross OS compatible!

Originally posted by Devilin
Although I sure you'd like me to insert the entire facts page, in the title, it isn't possible , unless you can conceive of a alternative title, but as I stated, I'm not a platform to distance one program from another

NOBODY asked you to add the entire facts page in the title. I read all the forum pages, right to those which are not relevant, but, nothing has said to ask you to write the entire facts page in the title. Wouldnt it be foolish to think of that? Anyone with some common sense would know that it is quite impossible to some point to add the entire facts page in the title.
You dont need to be a platform to distance one program from another, but, what we just want from you is that you present something that is really useful to the users, not like the hack slash way you created your website (more on that later) and gives us the impression that you are creating something that helps people. It actually confuses them.

Originally posted by Devilin
The same statement could also be applied to the glass is Half fall, the glass contains 50% liquid, the liquid is surrounded by 50 percent more glass, etc. etc. etc. all are valid depending upon your point of view,

CookieRevised, there are no facts, on a fundamental level, nothing can be proved or disapproved, apart from I think therefore I exist, but even that is open to interpretation, even the basis, of one of the most fundamental laws, e=mc squared, energy = mass squared by the speed of light, C. standing for the speed of light, the only universal Constant,  isn't entirely accurate the speed of light isn't constant, its affected by gravity, and some other stuff, which I won't go into

Hey, whats the point of putting all these things there? Show us that your science is wonderful? We dont need that, even if it is to give us a hidden meaning of it.

Originally posted by Devilin
CookieRevised, slow down, calm down and try to keep a Open mind about this, and try to perceive this, from the point of view, of somebody whom knows little about computers, has ended up in trouble, and has ended up on my page, because they were pointed there by a help forum

Taking this into consideration, if you can think of a better title, please let me no,------- as I previously stated, I cannot double line, because it would conflict with the background  choose knowledge image, and I don't wish to alter the text size and lose continuity with the other pages

Hey, maybe its you that didnt keep an open mind about it. Btw, you forgot to use 'an' instead of 'a' there. Keep in mind about your english, although mine is not perfect.
If you are really serious about putting screenshots, just like what I said earlier, use a interface thats more common nowdays. If Microsoft released Windows XP, and many people have adopted to use it, they will show product features on their website (for example) designed for Windows XP, and not for other versions of Windows.
I am trying to say that, in this time, use something that is more common. Just check the advertisments. I dont know for you, but for me, in Singapore, the advertisments for computers includes a bundle of softwares, and it will include a version of Windows. All the advertisments now are promoting Windows XP, so you can see that many people have already adopted it.
Just one sentence: If its for a beginner, how would he uninstall if he sees that it is different from his computer?

As for the hack slash way you created your website. I know that mostly, if not all, web developers want their page to be consistant. But, you can change in a way that you can include a longer title without losing consistancy. I didnt edit your site, and thats the last thing I want to do, but, as I can observe, changing it wont harm anything, unless you show us concrete evidence, like maybe putting a page up on your server that shows the changes, exclusively for us people here.
If you cant show some evidence, whats the point of saying it?

Originally posted by Sam Spade
You are incorrect.  An " / " does not equate with an " = ".

On the page in question, the separator can be read to be simply an abbreviation (replacement) for the word "and" or "or", or even better "and/or". 

Going on your assessment of the separator, the meaning of very common phraseology and/or would be 'and = or".  This is incorrect.

Consider this grammatical form of multiple choice that I have seen on various forms over time.

Where did you get this information from? Just from what you assumed? Give something to back up your information, please.

Originally posted by Devilin
I was asked to include the name C2 media

Who asked you to do it? Shall I just quote everything from the forum here to show you that we didnt ask you to that?

Originally posted by Devilin
I'm prepared to listen and adjust my page to any request, but I will not be used as a platform, to promote a one sided distorted point of view

Adjust your page to any request? Stop kidding me man. Just asking you to explore alternative ways to change the title take so much time already, and you still say that you are prepared to listen? Please, we are tired of it already, dont we?

Originally posted by Devilin
Not in IE , firefox, isn't the most popular browser --yet but good for you for using it, I'm still trying to overturn the Cross browser distortions 

Hey, Mozilla is getting porpularity. If you dont create something that is cross browser fast, dont even think of having consistancy.
I dont really quite understand what you meant there, but just want to tell you, I used another PC to test out with a 800X600 resolution, and its double line. And, I used IE, not Mozilla, Firefox, or Netscape. Simply, any computer with a 800X600 resolution will see that it is double line, so, you are not consistant in any way, if it is viewed with a 800X600 resolution.

Originally posted by Devilin
I'm sorry you feel that way, obviously the page isn't pro messenger plus enough for you, even though it suggests you can use messenger plus, without the sponsor at the bottom of the page, ------ which in a way is good, I didn't wish to write a pro messenger plus page, I didn't wish to write a anti messenger plus page, its also been suggested, from the anti brigade, that the page is far to pro, I'm happy to have reached a point, where you don't both like it equally,  mine is the beginners point of view, one that just doesn't care, that just wants a solution to a problem, not propaganda from either side

And I'm sure if your facts page, is entirely correct, nobody will ever have any problems, uninstall messenger plus or its sponsor program, nobody will ever need assistance on other help forms, so logically nobody will ever see my page, a lot of fuss over nothing wouldn't you say

Who needs a page that is give so many pros of Messenger Plus when someone wants to just uninstall Messenger Plus? You know, people look for pages like yours because they dont trust Messenger Plus anymore, so they dont look for a page teaching how to uninstall on the main page of Messenger Plus (http://www.msgplus.net). They want something that is useful to them, so they look for pages like yours. But, you give them some things that are not true, and in some cases, it is not useful. Not at all when it is not my OS. Btw, whats the link Washington State Office of the Attorney General for? For those people who want to sue Patchou for Messenger Plus that includes a sponser?

Please answer my questions, no matter how rude I am, before you go around accusing Patchou again.

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Oh, just before I forget to say, do you know that double posting is not allowed? You see the rules (http://shoutbox.menthix.net/rules.html), it clearly states that double posting is not allowed, instead, use the Edit button. Maybe I dont have the right to point that out to you, cause I am not a mod, but since nobody pointed it out, I will.


This post was edited on 12-06-2004 at 09:49 AM by f1d0d1d08989.
12-06-2004 08:25 AM
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Messages In This Thread
final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-04-2004 at 02:09 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-05-2004 at 10:42 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-05-2004 at 10:47 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-05-2004 at 11:25 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-05-2004 at 11:47 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-05-2004 at 01:25 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-05-2004 at 01:47 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Sam Spade on 12-05-2004 at 02:31 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-05-2004 at 02:47 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-05-2004 at 07:08 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Patchou on 12-05-2004 at 07:39 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Chrono on 12-05-2004 at 08:11 PM
RE: RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-05-2004 at 10:14 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-05-2004 at 09:36 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Stigmata on 12-05-2004 at 10:18 PM
RE: RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-05-2004 at 10:38 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-05-2004 at 10:22 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by downloaders on 12-06-2004 at 06:03 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by f1d0d1d08989 on 12-06-2004 at 08:25 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Chrono on 12-06-2004 at 09:29 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Sam Spade on 12-06-2004 at 10:26 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by Devilin on 12-06-2004 at 09:08 PM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by user27089 on 12-06-2004 at 09:36 PM
RE: RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by CookieRevised on 12-07-2004 at 01:51 AM
RE: final negotiations,Devilin the uninstall page - by f1d0d1d08989 on 12-07-2004 at 04:13 AM

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