Originally posted by Devilin
Opps forgot to turn of email notification, last post honest
I'm sure nobody minds you still posting, as long as you aren't the instigator of any more arguments throught this forum.
Originally posted by Devilin
What started, as healthy debate, arguments, and counter arguments, resulted in me changing parts of my page, which I believe was healthy and productive,------ but this ended up becoming a petty and bickering non discussion, I myself must take a large proportion of the blame for this, I apologize for this, anyway any continued discussion on this forum, obviously isn't useful or helpful, for anybody
Did I come here looking for links ? when you have your own uninstall guide, think about it
Did I come here looking for approval, again think about it
And while you've thinking about it, consider this, its a high graphic content page
? So why did I come here, why have I built an entire site dedicated to helping people ?, profit? The ads I run pay for the site, and creates enough revenue to produce another site, and what's the other site about, helping people, and a bit of fun
So why do I spend my valuable time helping people ? again think about it
If somebody wishes to discuss possible alterations, on a serious level, use my form, I'll arrange a neutral forum--- the offer is there, although I doubt it will be taken up---
If you like to continue ranting, please continue below this post
Have fun all
The changes in your page weren't healthy and productive, they were just biased views on messenger plus! and its sponsor program. The, as you say,
'bickering' wasn't petty, we were merely trying to get our points of view accross, and giving you the actual facts, you, being narrow minded (as said by cookie), refused to take our information, and instead, put as you pleased on your site, regardless if the facts were true or not.
Actually, you did pretty much come here for approval in my opinion, or just to show the page, it may have been a mistake from your point of view, but it was also helping you, but you didn't listen to anything we said, you refuse to put the facts on your page, what we say isn't just utter rubbish, its the truth! If you want to make a decent page, then stake the facts, don't just state your opinion on what you think of it, thats not everybodies opinion, and if they read into plus! properly, then they would probably agree with us rather than to agree with you!
This page isn't really helping people, its putting a negative outlook on Messenger Plus!
get the facts!
What we are saying is on a serious level, but the way that you are posting, sarcastically, not listening to other peoples opinions is making other members angry, therefore, making you the instigator of these
'petty' outbreaks of