>>>To be honest, microsoft did make a 'flop' at the beginning of the xbox's console life, but as the time has gone, microsoft have made billions producing the xbox and the games for the xbox.
Microsoft still haven't turned a profit from Xbox. The Entertainment division (that incorporates the Xbox) has reported a loss each quarter since it launched. The next report though they will most likely turn some sort of profit for the first time, due to Halo 2.
Oh and go easy on the use of the word 'dodgy'
>>>Because they put third-rate, low performance parts in their machines.
Oh yes, the IBM PowerPC chip is really third rate with low performance. So third-rate and low performing, that Sony is partnering with IBM for its Cell chip for the PS3 and Microsoft are using a straight PowerPC chip for its next console [face_rollseyes]
>>>I will kill myself if that day comes
Yeah no Nintendo means a hell of a lot less fun and progress in the games industry. It wouldn't be nice to see.