I dont really goto outter parties (out around houses and streets LoL) very often as much as we normally celebrate or go out down the town, nightclubbing etc...
But there was this one occasion back when i was 16 and me and my mate had a bottle of 3 litre cider each and we were spinning while drinking it and everything... we were little dafties at the time too as we all hung around parks etc... was fun at the time.
Anyways we would do crazy thing's of which some i cant even remember LoL... like roll around on the grass laughing our heads off... maybe that was something to do with the weed too? errr... well thats another story haha...
My story really isnt that interesting i know, but err i dunno... hard to explain, it was just good at the time
That story ended up me and my friend walking to my house and me puking all over.. and my friend several times LoL...
i believe i said (when sober) "Thats the last time im drinking".... i think i say more silly things when im sober