Originally posted by ZrednaZ
*Sometimes when browsing forums, FF won't automatically adjust the page to the size of your browser window, thus forcing you to horizontal scroll back and forth for every line of text (a pain the the neck)
*PDF files cause FF to crash - each and every time. Tested the reader with IE, works just fine. Haven't tried reinstalling either programs, though. Maybe this would help...
fixing the page width issue is easy with the bookmarklet that i have attached whenever it is run it will remove the scroll bar by wrapping all the text.
and pdf filkes work fine for me maby you need to reinstalll the latest one from adobe?
make a new bookmark called wrap and then in the location feild paste this
javascript:(function() { var D = document; F(D.body); function F(n) { var u, r, c, x; if (n.nodeType == 3) { u = n.data.search(/\S{45}/); if (u >= 0) { r = n.splitText(u + 45); n.parentNode.insertBefore(D.createElement('wbr'), r); } } else if ((n.tagName != 'STYLE') && (n.tagName != 'SCRIPT')) { for (c = 0; x = n.childNodes[c]; ++c) { F(x); } } } D.body.innerHTML += ' '; })();