Originally posted by John Anderton
Why dont ya use a software which i once had (search on google) which tells your processor temp. it will start an alarm if its too high.
most motherboards these days shut down when the temperature is rising too much.
I see people who are scared now of using a Celeron because a fan stopped working and the cpu burned. This could have happend with all cpu's. If the cable got loose then you didn't plugged it in properly. I wonder what else is sitting loose...
Originally posted by wolfenstein
my cpu gets to an an average temparture of around 80 celcuis ( or howevah its spelled) whats an appopiate tempature for it to be on and whats to high?
80°C is not good
, you have to bring it down. Install some fans to create more airflow in your case.
Originally posted by Birdo
thou i think my graphics card mite be on its way out
you will see it when things go wrong with your graphics card. You'll get blocks in your screen. If you get this, shut down your computer immediatly and get a fan for your graphics card.