tgnb: we already had this discussion before many times... if I could sell Messenger Plus! instead of using adware, I would do it, but I have to face the fact that peopel don't pay forthe software they use very much these days, especially not for plugins of another free (MSN Messenger) program.
What you're describing for WinPcap is exactly what I was talking aboutin the other thread. I have very concerned about what's going to happen this year and the next in thesoftware developement community. If a big company (Microsoft or any other one) distributes a software that "tags" software they don't like for X or Y reason, it's going to cause lots of damage. Nobody has the right to do that kind of thing, this is just a completely unfair practice made in the name of "let's protect our users". They could very well start warning about Real Video being installed on your computer with all the crap its auto-update installs on one's computer. I'm asking you: where's the limit and who's going to decide about it?