Originally posted by ErikSchierboom
What do you guys think about replacing the %1....%9 by %a, %b etc. It think it might be a better idea, because masks could become a lot clearer as %a = artist makes a bit more sense than %1 = artist.
I was thinking about using the following tags:
%a = artist
%t = title
%l = album
%y = year
%c = comment
%n = track nr.
%g = genre
%b = bitrate
%f = filename
%s = status (will be a new tag as suggested by Da Dude)
good, but maybe you want to make the variablenames a bit longer then 1 character. In the futur (when you'll add more and more amybe) you will come to a point where you can't use the first letter of the word anymore. so maybe it's better to use the full words like: artist, %title, %album, etc...
Originally posted by Da Dude
sounds great...
maybe add
%at (artist + title) (with a - and a space between every part)
%atl (artist + title + album) (with a - and a space between every part)
and still keep %a, %t & %l
Not agreed, why adding more variables when you can make just the same with "%a - %t" for example. You don't have to do it for convenience because it's not like you're going to change the settings every hour or so (and that would be the only reason why you wanna add something like this). Once the settings are set, it should be fine for a long while. Adding more variables like this will only confuse. Furthermore, you say for example add "%at", what if people don't want a hypen between the artist and title but an asteriks? In that case it is useless (and this goes for many things and people). Also, why not %ta, %tal, %nat, etc.. etc... there are more then thousand possebilities. Should they all be added for, actualy, nothing (because you can make your own combinations anyways)? It only creates more confusion, more code, and bigger program.