Uhm just my input here.
It seems to me that Microshit, (okay this program may finaly lift that saying) has made this program for newbies. Remember not everyone has the same knowledge of computers.
Users need to remember that user's may actually want to have the program installed and select yes for the boundle to be installed. The problem is, Microsoft can't tell the difference between a choicen "I want Sponsour" or if it was "I accept the agreement".
Microsoft therefore in my view, have done the right thing. It's not like they recommend "removing" the program afterall. They themeselfs say that this has optional software. It isn't misleading in anway, and surprising I think I would buy this software...... well if I get the money.
Well thats my two cents.
If theres a problem with the "unistalling" isnt that a bug? Which means someone (if they havent already) needs to report it? Isn't that the best thing to do?