Originally posted by Skin Ticket
sure htey harm your health but what does the goverment care, all they want is money from the fines!
the government would get a significantly larger amount of money from the taxation of drugs than they do from fines. The amount of people who actually get caught anf fined is tiny in comparison to the amount of people doing drugs. By legalising certain drugs, eveyone who does that drug would pay extra tax.
maybe you should just think twice about things before you start going on about things that are blatantly false
Originally posted by Skin Ticket
cigarettes are bad.. why arent they illegal
criminalising ciggarrettes would be the worst thing a government cold ever do. Millions of people would suddenly become criminals, even though they started smoking when it was legal to smoke. The reasons why it would be bad would be because that government party would lose all support from smokers, which is a large proportion, they would also have to recoup the billions lost from ciggarette tax by taxing something else, something that is easy to increase the tax for without losing revenue (smokers are an easy target for taxation because they are hooked, and have to pay), either they will just generally increase the tax on everything, which will mean inflation will rise = bad. Or they target something in particular, losing a lot of support from that group.