RE: [sug] control over nudges
These questions was asked and answered in the 7.0 Beta chat
Q: the nudges feature sometimes annoy me as my friend do it to me multiple times, can you add an option to be able to block or stop the receiver from seeing them?
A: thx for letting us know.
Q: Some bug you want to fix with the Nudges: When you nudge someone, you got to wait a while before sending another one. Well, There is an easier way. If you close the convo and re-open it and keep doing it, you can do it over and over again. Hope you fix it!
A: We are aware of this issue and the product team is working on it
Q: like you have nudge spam blocking (one nudge every 5 secs or so), can you do the same with blocking/unblocking spam
A: good point. thaks for the feedback. will consider this.
Microsoft are definately working on improving this feature, you'll just have to wait for future versions of msn messenger
Previously known as \'lappin\' and \'Third Dimension\'
Damo says (12:00 AM):
-pictures harry potter naked-