Originally posted by BikerWade
SPNG ? please explain...
Everything you are suggesting has been suggested at one time or another. Plus! cannot check who else has Plus! because that would involve using Winsock todo so and Patchou tries to limit the amount of traffic Plus! causes a PC to generate.
Originally posted by BikerWade
Another feature i'd like, is to have the text appear directly AFTER the nickname, instead of at a new row. again this would simplify overlooking session history... !
This can be achieved by using a Program called Reshack and reshacking the msglang.dll file and replacing "%1 says: \n" with "%1 says: ". Note that modifying Messenger in anyway is against the Terms of Use from Microsoft. We are not to be held responsible for anything that happens because of this nor will we help you do it.
Edit: It is already one line, Microsoft must have changed it and during their painting of the convo window add an Enter between it.