Somehow i keep crashing MSN on the same MP3's.
and its always the
- I managed to get: "Korn - Am I Going Crazy - %albAm I Going Crazyye" in my name
and some more. And it only happens if a chat window is open. If only i could get a crashlog. It says it made one, but i don't see it in the crashlog program.
Can't also see a connection between the songs that work, and don't work in that album
my tag =
Da Dude Now %status : %artist - %title - %album - %year
After *testing* msn 7 build 604, i though it would be a good addition to show the current song, in the private message (you know, the new feature under your nickname).
Since msn only support windows media player 10
(at the current situation)