This is really not a big bug but whatever...
I have set two secluded two tasks to remind me something every day.
If i wasnt signed in on msn while I have missed these tasks, and I sign in, their toasts appear the one ontop of other.
(explaination below)
I believe that this happens because when I sign in to msn, all the right part of my screen is filled with "[user] has signed in" toasts.
After they are gonna, under them, there is a toast that says that I missed a task and under it another toast that says that I have missed another task.
Msn toasts disappear.
Under the first msn toast (counting from the bottom to the top) there is a toast that says "You have missed a secluded task! [task1 description]". I click "(click to close)" and then under it there is a toast that says again "You have missed a secluded task! [task2 description]".
So as I told you, it's nothing big...
The task toasts shouldn't appear under the first task toast...