Here is the updated version.
Go to your StuffPlug NG folder of your talkers (usually "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins\StuffPlug-NG\Talkers")
Locate the file named talker.ucase.vbs
Right click on it and click "Edit"
Find the line that says
Function talker(ByVal strinput)
(first line)
Paste the following under it:
if left(strinput, 2) = "ok" or left(strinput, 7) = "http://" or left(strinput, 3) = "lol" or left(strinput, 3) = "www" then
talker = strinput
exit function
end if
So it should look like this:
Function talker(ByVal strinput)
if left(strinput, 2) = "ok" or left(strinput, 7) = "http://" or left(strinput, 3) = "lol" or left(strinput, 3) = "www" then
talker = strinput
exit function
end if
talker = "" & UCase(Left(strinput, 1)) & Mid(strinput, 2)
End Function
Click File -> Save
By doing this, words like "lol", "www", "http" wont be capitalized