Dr-Light, I also tried Matty's method and it still doesn't work. I think it might either be the version, or other plugins. Dr-Light, do you have any plugins? I only have the ink plugin, which is uninstalled at the moment.
I need help - by EmEsEn7 on 02-14-2005 at 02:03 AM RE: I need help - by expert on 02-14-2005 at 02:06 AM RE: I need help - by Cromp on 02-14-2005 at 02:14 AM RE: I need help - by The_Thief on 02-14-2005 at 03:57 AM RE: I need help - by toddy on 02-14-2005 at 06:35 AM RE: I need help - by matty on 02-14-2005 at 06:41 AM RE: I need help - by Dr-Light on 02-14-2005 at 09:55 AM RE: I need help - by EmEsEn7 on 02-14-2005 at 08:43 PM