Here Faq that are you with Msn Messenger 7.0.0604 Msg plus are
possible turns and stuffplug-NG 2
The first step is that we the old msn will install knife-narrower
Afterwards we install MSG plus:
Now we install the new msn knife-narrower 7.0.0604:
<link removed>
Unfortunately msg plus not entirely compitabel with the new msn
knife-narrower therefore the shortcuts in the conversation are not do
it such as these:
ctrl k do be it also not therefore here the colour codes for msg plus:
MSN colour codes
colour codes (for people without or with MsgPlus):
0 = blanks
1 = black
2 = dark blue
3 = dark green
4 = red
5 = brown
6 = obscurity purple
7 = oranje
8 = yellow
9 = green
10 = blue/green
11 = pale blue
12 = blue
13 = government
14 = dark grey
15 = lichtgrijs
Therefore this: ·$7tommiej wodt therefore oranje
That tekentje is possible · you as follows gets very on alto and (keep
it pressed) very then on 0183
MSN code
MSN code for your character type in your msn name or somewhere else:
·# = dik pressed
·@ = underline
·& = schuingedrukt
For the stuffplug liefhebbers there are also still stuffplug-NG 2
therefore if you want that install him!: /?act=file&id=9
Unfortunately stuffplug-NG are not 2 also not entirely compitabel with
the new msn therefore can this function be also carried out:
' ' muliple lines in your friendly nasty ''
The large avater function work also not entirely good
P.S at some people wants msg plus no longer start up if you start up the
computer again because you windows remove knife-narrower has but no
problem you must only even windows knife-narrower install vannaf here:
Im too lazy (and tired its 209am) to fix the small errors. Maybe tommorow.