I was wondering... the UIFILE's are somewhat obvious. But how do you find out the HEX values? For example pologamy
Enable Polygamy
Offset: 0013b12b
Normal: B7
Patched: B6
How did you figure out on which offset you should be and what to change it to? Are there any tools you use for it or another method? I would to know a bit more so i can do some hex editing on other programs as well

Thank you for taking the time to create this tutorial, i may know alot about computers and software, but Hex editing is something i never done before, very interesting

Note to mods and admins: Ahmz posted this topic about a week ago too, it was deleted by Fraisie after a few hours that time. I talked to Fraisie and she said she shouldn't have deleted it and she won't do it again when this topic would be reposted...