Not gonna call you narrow-minded Segosa, but..
Ever considered Science can be wrong?
I'm not saying ghosts exist or not.. actually, i'm pretty sure they do, as do 'other life forms'. But if it is proved, then I would believe they don't exist.
tbh, I still don't believe you can photograph it though.. they all look photoshopped to me.. Just like I don't believe anyone has ever photographed a real UFO.
And maybe the mind can create such things. Well, it can, but you can't tell me that over a (maybe) quarter of the world imagine ghosts..
Science can't prove or disprove anything abnormal totally.. They can think they do, they can research so much, but they are sure to have missed something by accident.
You are a bit narrow-minded to believe that humans and animals are the only life forms though..
* Tasha hopes she hasn't annoyed Segosa, and is just pointing her opinion out, and doesn't want an arguement.