O.P. my plugin...
i created a plugin...
and made a inatller with inno setup 5 herer is installation script
AppName=WA Plus!
AppVerName=WA Plus! V1
DefaultDirName={pf}\Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins
Source: "waplus.dll"; destdir: "{pf}\Messenger Plus! 3\Plugins\"
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Patchou\MsgPlus2\RegisteredPlugins"; ValueType: string; Valuename: WA Plus!; ValueData: "waplus.wap"
but it wont load the plugin... unless i go Start > Run: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus!3\Plugins\waplus.dll"
or if the plugin is in this DIR "C:\Documents and Settings\nyzrox\Desktop\desk\WA Plus!" it will run the dll there, not the 1 in the plugin folder...
any ideas why this is?