O.P. I have a virus, but which?
Hi all. Have done some extensive searching, but I have come up with nothing, and hoping that someone here can help me out.
My brother was on my computer last night, and he received a file from a friend of his. A .pif file. Anyway, being the clueless ass that he is, he opened it, and now I have problems. Here is what has happened:
Upon executing the file, he was thrown to a webpage, with a cartoon picture of Bill Gates and a hit counter, shortly after which, the file was sent to all online contacts (although I pulled the network cable out before anyone accepted I hope). So, after searching, I figure it could very well be the Bropia Worm. But if it is, it is like none of the variants that I can find information on. The symptoms that I have discovered so far are:
- Cannot access folder options from the tools option on the menu bar
- Cannot see the system restore tab on the properties of My Computer
- The task manager, regedit and cmd all close within seconds of opening
- The Symantec removal tool for certain Bropia variations is closed soon after opening
- The virus closed and will not let me re-open my anti-virus (AVG)
- I was browsing an image folder, and it closed the browser when I moved onto a file called task.jpg, which I could view once renamed
- Winamp will close whenever I click anywhere on it
So, using a separate registry viewer, I managed to see the different files with .pif extensions which it has put on my computer, which are: Bungee-F**k.pif, Death of crazy frog!.pif, Hot Babe!.pif, lol Busted Are Gay.pif, Me at the Beach!.pif, My Piccy.pif, Paris Hilton Sex Tape.pif, Really Cute.pif and Saddam Song.pif.
Any help much appreciated.