i think its the 2.1 version of stuff plug NG that ive got....and....im using msn v7.0....with windows XP...and im using msg plus version 3.40.112 BETA - Dec 2nd 04....
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Please give the full version numbers of the software you used.
StuffPlug-NG => what exact version (this is in the form of 2.x.xxx)?
Messenger Plus! => what exact version (this is in the form of 3.xx.xxx)?
MSN Messenger => what exact version (this is in the form of 7.0.0xxx)?
i dont understand all the X's 'cookierevised'
other plugins i have are
> colour nick v2
>ultimate messenger lock plugin
>screen shot sender 2
and ther other is stuff plug NG...which i got froma thread in the forums...it said it was the new one...i forget the exact numbers but it was something like 2.0/2.1 etc etc....lol....and these other plugins came with the stuff plug NG one