RE: Messenger Lock Not Working.. ( Problem 1 ) & Nick Coloration ( Problem 2 )
Try changing the key combination to CTRL + F11; it works for me.
Also note the message at the bottom of the Messenger Lock
Note: Some key combinations for the shortcuts are not allowed by Windows and will be automatically removed.
Right click on someone's name (for the question part) and click on Messenger Plus! Extras...Click rename Contact; but don't rename the contact, by the Formatting Options there's a little checkbox---click it and change the color accordingly. After you click ok Plus will then inform you that The Custom Name Feature must be enabled in order for this to work and emoticons will not be displayed in all your contact names (See Screen Shot)
Hope it helps.
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This post was edited on 03-17-2005 at 08:16 PM by jtstone1983.