i am using regasm, and it is in the correct folder, but it still wont recognize it, the information for the plugin is in the registry and it works just fine on my computer. Is there a way i could maybe convert it to c/c++ and make it work that way? (i dont know c/c++ but is there a program for it or somthing???) and i tried installing it with the plugin installer, but it doesnt even add the information to the registry.
here is the exact steps i have taken:
1. Shutdown Messenger
2. Added it to Registered Plugins, in the registry
3. Copied the DLL to the plugins directory
4. Registered the DLL in the plugin's directory with RegAsm
5. Loaded Messenger
Did i miss a step? or are they supposed to be in a different order???
because it still isnt detecting it.
and i have a reature request for Messenger Plus, maybe an advanced plugin detection thing, that will notice its there and tell you whats missing, like if it needs to be registered, or if its not listed in the registered plugins.