Originally posted by Kruxx
Sorry about multiple posts, I'm used to other forums that don't have the edit option up for as long as this. But thank you again for a great plugin, works once again, and I think you could be onto something here. If, on the first time configuring if you press cancel you get the errors... I'd suggest fixing this, as if the user isn't sure straight away how to configure, and decide to 'try it later' then the errors will be given when he/she cancels
It's ok..
Hmm... Yes this will be fixed.. hopefully all bugs will be fixed eventually..
... Hmm... But can you confirm that this error happens when you press cancel on the first run?... Or not?.. As I can't try it out right now...
Originally posted by may73alliance
ive got msgplus 3.50, msn 7.0.0632 and loadsa other plugins... works fine here GREAT PLUGIN CYBERDUDE
Glad to hear it's working..
.. Well.. It was of course also supposed to..