Originally posted by Lee Jeffery
Originally posted by Jaguar
It sounds like a good plugin from what everyone's saying. I was just wondering, what does "automatically restore conversation windows" do?
when somebody starts a conversation window with you, the window is automatically maximised
Restored, not maximised. However, the maximise option may be added to a future version.
Originally posted by Absorbation
However, phoenix does need some new material to help itself. Generally, phoenix looks as if it is junior stuffplug (many random features) but with fewer features. The logo could do with some work, no offensive but it looks like it was done on flaming text.
Also when selecting options I believe it should have a better design just to make it more appealing. However, my main concern is the shortcuts to find phoenix, it drives me mad, sometimes I appear offline and to check my e-mails the phoenix way I would need to appear online, open a conversation, and enter the shortcut, making a good idea useless. You might want an icon on the contact list with options to quickly check for new e-mails and other phoenix things.
I see what you mean with the junior StuffPlug - kinda felt that way when making it.
As for the general look and feel, that will see major improvements for the next version.
And don't worry: constructive critisism (like yours) is gladly and readily welcomed.