RE: Plus not accepting WAVs as Custom Emotion Sounds
Cookie's analysis is (as always) very correct, however, as I'm the only one who posseses the source code of Plus!, here is the exact reason of the issues created by those sounds:
"Abandon ship" and "This is not a drill" both have a samplerate of 15151Khz, "Baa" has a samplerate of 14000Khz. These samplerates are not common/standard and the Lame_enc library refuses to compress those files for that reason. When clicking on the "Preview Sound" button of the main sound cut window, the sound is compressed before being played so that the user knows exactly how the final file will sound like. When in the advanced cut window, the sound is not compressed and is played automatically to accelerate the search of a perfect cut. If yo7ur sound card is capable of playing sounds with the samplerate mentionned above, then that's why you hear the preview in this window.
Messenger Plus! already have a built-in mechanism to fix samplerates that are slighlty higher or lower what Lame_enc accepts. However, those rates are just too "off range" and Plus! prefers not to touch them and displays the "not supported" message.
In any case, I fixd the sound preview problem where the timer did not update properly at the end of the sound (the sound are always played entirely, it was just a display glitch).