Originally posted by Joa
i agree.
wow it's cool to see a guy say things like that, usually guys judge by or with.. something which isn't their brain. - not all guys but a lot that i've known.
the type of guy i would go for somebody who would treat me with respect. must be somebody who can make me laugh, not just smile cuz everybody can do that, but laugh. i look at the personality, the guy can't care too much about his looks and things, i don't care if he is considered not so good looking, if he cares and whines about it than its out of the question. so basically somebody true to themselves .. and who has a nice personality. i couldn't care less about looks i look at how i am treated, and what kind of person he is.
* .Roy reminds Joa of age difference...
anyway. I think also how the person looks is important. I am not saying send me all the sluts that look like elish cutburt. I am saying i want good looking nice woman. I dont think its ALL about personality.
i cant go kissing someone who is a fatass and is BUT UGLY