Originally posted by james13
[font=Arial][color=blue] can any1 help me i downloaded the Dimension plugin from the msgplus! prefrences window! i then unistalled from add and remove programs whilst it was still running! now whenever i start up my computer it comes up in a window and say....Dimension seems not to be installed or corrupt is there any way i can get rid of this message???????? help plz!
you can go to the Plus! menu from your contact list -> Preferences -> Plugins
and than uncheck the box beside the plugin name (this will disable it from poping up whenever you start msn and plus)
ALSO: go to the drive where you have plus installed (probably C:\Program Files\MessengerPlus! 3\) and go into the plugins foder and delete the .dll file that is called dimension.dll .. or something related to the plugin name.