I play the electric guitar. I got my first guitar two christmas' ago. It was an Eastcoast strat copy which came with some other shit like a practice amp. Kinda crappy but it done the job. I then saved up to get my new guitar an Ibanez S470 in electric blue. Its a fucking beutiful machine!
I wanted to start playing the guitar because of the music I'm into. I love all the riffs and solo's and heavy stuff and the softer stuff aswell. Another reason was me and my mate were doing this band thing in music and we decided it would be really good if we could make a band and so we did lol.
I teach myself mostly at the moment. I used to have lessons in school but i didn't really like them and I wasn't learning anything from it. I was teaching myself at the same time and then I go to the lesson and I was ahead of myself and had to do crappy stuff with him lol. I've quite now because it was rubbish and now teach myself. I do this mostly by learning all the songs i like. If i here a song I like and think this would be great to play i usly go on mxtabs.net, print off the tabs and get started lol. I aso have some books of my favourite bands like Hoobastank and some normall teaching ones.
I'm in two bands at the moment lol. One is the orrigianal one (Instinkt). I play the guitar and am the lead singer (i sing aswel) and I'm in another were i just sing(Double Glazed Emotions).
This is amost of my stuff (part from the wireless and one guitar (the peavy exp). My old guitar isn't there as i left it at home as this is round my mates. The blue guitar is mine and the other is my mates.