i got this from mess.be:
"It's as regrettable as logical that ink messages aren't stored into the MSN Messenger's Message History nor Messenger Plus!'s chat logs. But you can save them (together with your complete conversation) in a rich text formatted file by selecting File > Save as in the conversation window.
You can also just drag any handwritten message to your favorite image editor and save it there. Or in fact, forget about the image editor: ChrisTorng has created a tiny tool called Auto Save Handwriting that does just what its name says: automatically saving received ink messages and using the contact's name.
I just hope you have enough Van Gogh's on your contact list sending you pictures worth saving
>> Download
Auto save handwriting "
EDIT: actually there is a link here too on the plus! forums:
Edit 2: i agree it would be nice though to have the handwriten messages saved in your message history.