Originally posted by Joa
what does the error say?
Edit: i am quite sure that plus! is not the cause of the problem plus! and the new version of msn are compatible.
are you using any plugins or patches on msn?
hmm.. i'm using a-patch
Originally posted by Matty
Is it an error saying that you cannot start a conversation with %user% at this time? If so please shutdown MSN Messenger and locate the folder where you installed Messenger Plus! to and double click Plugins then delete Handwriting.dll or any file in there that has a reference to Handwriting in its name. This happens if you are not running Windows 2000 or Windows XP
hmm.. i'm running Windows XP
the error msg goes..
The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
it's getting kinda irritating though and also msn could not be connected when msgplus is installed
but everything's fine when i uninstall latest msgplus version. so what's the possible reason for it?