O.P. Website building
Anyone know a good way to set up a professional(ish) website which allows good levels of editing but can cater for a 'n00b' who doesnt know anything but the basic html.
I'm thinking of creating a website which is simplistic and quickish to set up but allows a good level of editing and homing into what I want it to look like.
I've used geocities but its pretty much a teenage girl website for webpage editing and i've never been able to make it look anything more than that for myself.
I've also used tripod but there werent enough editing options available and you were pretty much left with default backgrounds and layouts (which were horrible)
Is it possible to host a livejournal on a webpage too? I've got a long running livejournal which I update daily. It'd be brilliant if that could be posted onto the webpage too.
I'm just looking for possible ideas right now which would need a webpage making website which caters for my needs but doesnt get too complicated. Any ideas?