Originally posted by gatepass007
Well, My windows XP's firewall service is disable. I've installed Zone Alarm and MSN Messenger's permission is
set as you say. Actually that setting was ALLOWD before you say. I was having problem and still having problem. Now I am using 6.2 version. That works fine. Just can't understand the problem with version 7.
try going
here and following the directions.
Also, try this:
in the msn main window, go to -> Options -> Connections -> advanced connection options -> uncheck all 4 boxes (TCP, SOCKS 4 SOCKS 5 HTTP Proxy)
also, i just want you to know that even when you get a message saying:
The following programs might prevent a connection to MSN Messenger.
-> Zone Labs Zone Alarm
it just means that the troubleshooter recognized that you have this firewall installed, it does not mean that it is a direct problem with zolealarm.