O.P. connecting to msn/hotmail/win update trouble
I'm having som serious problems....
Since yesterday I haven't been able to connect to msn messenger... It just reports the error 81000306 - "we could not sign you in to msn messenger, check your internet connection." (translated from swedish messenger, so it's not exactly what it says in english I guess..)
The error started to occour yesterday as I said. But the weird is that we have 3 computers here at home connected to internet through a local area network. And all of them have the same error.. so trying to reinstall messenger and fumble around with different network settings at this computer seems meaningless..
And the error not only affects msn messenger. I can't connect to neither windows update, hotmail, webmessenger or any similar service from microsoft...
I'm using the latest msn messenger and the latest msn plus on win xp sp2 home edition. I have Norton Internet Security installed but have tried to have it shut down and also watching it's logg-files to open up everywhere it blocks. But it has worked before with NIS, so I don't feel like uninstall it.
Any suggestions? could it be like a virus or something? I had some problems with some progam called navexcel yesterday.. some sort of spyware. But it's removed now with the help of ad-aware..
Please help if you know how to.. or could refer to a site which can give me more information..