quote:Originally posted by mwe99
Contact list to show you You have to hover over it
That didn't work for me.... for me it just shows Contact Name (Blocked)
quote:Originally posted by BEWARE^^
maybe a stupid question about this but did you have search for other threads on this forum coz i found several threads about it try to find your question in it isnt it in those threads then post it in the same blocked threads
these are 4 of those blocked threads that i found check them out
This thread is NOT about block checkers. He is asking if there is any way to see the statuses of people that HE blocked. There used to be a properties option in msn 6.x in which you could easily check the status of someone that you have blocked.
i think we are also talking about the same thing that he blocked someone and he want to see his/her real status that whether its away or brb etc..
correct me if i m worng..
it has the same suspects in it and its going about the blocking system so
PS yes your richt shezi
if you need help with unrealircd tell me and i will help ya out.