RE: How do you make a admin account even if you dont have admin???
Hidden Admins do not exist.. It IS possible to hide specific names from the Interactive Logonscreen..
I think you meant the "Administrator" account, it doesn't show up on the logon screen, only when you're logged in to safe mode.
An answer to the question:
There is a way to add users. In order to do so you have to boot with a 2nd operating System, for example: Knoppix
There are tools to change passwords, from inside Knoppix you could change the "Administrator" password into something simple like "12345", reboot and boot onder windows and login with Administrator - 12345..
Then you can add a new admin account..
The only bad part about this is that it will be noticed (i mean, the "Administrator" can't login anymore..)
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage to your system, and I am not responsible for misuse of this information