Originally posted by Hilikus
is your plugin based on msn proxy?? the thing i didnt like about yours and the reason why is started writting mine is that to add a bot you would need as requirements too many things: msgplus! msnproxy AND the plugin dll AND besides that, telling the user to configure his/her msn to user socket4, which most regular users would be scared of doing, and when you have a connection through the proxy if you happen to close the proxy you would lose your connection
im not using hooks, but frm what i read, i dont completely understand why you need to set msn to use socket4, since your intercepting API calls, firewalls do it without configuring anything in every single app
good luck
hope to see your plugin soon, keep up the good work
The plugin contains some MSN Proxy technology, but is written completely from scratch. Using this plugin, you don't need to configure MSN Messenger to use SOCKS4, like with MSN Proxy. MSN Proxy is a separate program, so it's not able to intercept API calls. BotDK is loaded inside the memory space of MSN Messenger, so it can intercept API calls.