O.P. RE: Send Text to window
mmm i know, but you NEED to simulate the enter key to send the message
i dont know how to explain it, look
lets say you're typing "hello how are you"
h e l l o h o] at this moment, the contact tells you hey, and the script triggers! and replies (by using sendMessage) i'm busy...
the message your contact will get is your message with the plugin message appended which would be
"hello hoi'm busy..." and it IS going to send it, because of the ENTER key sendmessage, you HAVE TO simulate enter, otherwise the script message is just going to be sitting there. and my worry is that with your suggestion of Active accessibility the same thing is going to happen, cause you're suggesting to use set_accValue
do you know if this is going to happend, the thing is i dont think is very easy to do this so i dont want to break my head trying to do it and and the end it doesnt work