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Posts: 3
Joined: May 2005
O.P. Coding Help
Can anyone create or help me code a plug-in that will send text based on phone button tones that are entered through the mic? This way i can chat using a phone plugged up to the computers mic by pressing:
1 for send
2 for a,b,c,A,B,C,2,1
3 for d,e,f,D,E,F,3
4 for g,h,i,G,H,I,4
5 for j,k,l,J,K,L,5
6 for m,n,o,M,N,O,6
7 for p,q,r,s,P,Q,R,S,7
8 for t,u,v,T,U,V,8
9 for w,x,y,z,W,X,Y,Z,9
* for Cursor Left
0 for space,&,(,),<,>,/,_,-,.,,,:,?,!,@,',",*,#,0
# for Cursor Right
so to type "Bob is here" in the messenger window i would press
on the keypad or phone (or whatever is emmitting the phone tones)
Hope this isn't too confusing...
Thanks -Leif902
EDIT: Oh yah, I'm not very good w/ C++ but that's the language i'd need hlep in...
This post was edited on 05-29-2005 at 05:54 PM by Leif902.