Hold on a few mins... I'll do this for you guys..
.. I don't know if I'm able to release it today, time is getting very late... but at least tomorrow..
Not... Sorry guys... Just noticed that the messenger plus! boss protection doesn't have a / command.. so... my idea was to make a plugin that you could make a quitext and do like:
/xtraytext hehe some text
or something similar.. but you cannot activate bossprotection by command... so... But I can still give you a plugin that change the text of the Tooltip text of the systray icon.. BUT this text changes back to normal anytime Messenger changes or similiar... This also include if you typed the command /xtraytext hehe some text, and there after you press the shortcut to activate boss protection (by default ctrl + space?), but when boss protection kicked in and changed status the old text was back again... So this means I would have to change the text AFTER boss protection kicks in... I could do this by a timer on a few secs or something... But the best would be if I could find a method of hooking msgplus! to get information when the boss protection is activated..
.. I can't say right now if I can do this/if it is possible.. and can't be bothered to check if it's possible..
.. Got other things to do... sorry to let you down guys... but well.. It is possible as a plugin, and should be rather "easy", that means not very much code... But i've got other stuff to do.. ok guys?...
Maybe someone else wants to do this...?.. Shouldn't be too much work.. Maybe ask
I am infact considering a new "boss protection" plugin after my next plugin finishes.. Since I think the boss protection in msgplus! lacks features...
.. This might be something raceprouk wants to add to Phoenix??....