(Please be sure you have MessengerAPI help or you may not be going to understand what I'm talking about
Well, since you've got the Messenger object, you can use its
MyContacts property, which is a MessengerContacts object and is a collection of contacts in the user's contact list. It has a method called
Item(Index) which returns a MessengerContact. This object can be used in Messenger object's
InstantMessage method.
So it may go like...
Dim Counter As Long
Dim Contacts As MessengerAPI.IMessengerContacts
Dim Contact As MessengerAPI.IMessengerContact
Set Contacts = MessengerInstance.MyContacts
For Counter = 1 To Contacts.Count '
Set Contact = Contacts.Item(Counter)
If Contact.Blocked = False Then
'From here use MessengerInstance's InstantMessage method in step 2, and go on
Exit For 'We can exit the loop because a "valid" contact has been found
End If
Next 'It's up to you if you prefer "Next Counter" :p
Note I forgot Item method's "Index" is 0-based or 1-based...Please try on your own. If it's 0-based, the For statmenet should change to
For Counter = 0
To Contacts.Count - 1
You may want to do some check (to see if any window has been created in the loop) after the For loop.