THANKS A MILLION !!!! (Patchou + TB)
i have fixed it now, and Patchou was right
Using PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA.u1.Function, works fine as long as you're the only one who tries to subclass a function. As Messenger Plus! replaces the function pointer for its own, your search returns nothing and your subclass fails. To prevent that from happening, I suggest that you simply search for the function based on its name and not its address in memory.
And life (development) goes on...
I have one more question for Patchou or anyone who can answer for the moment.
If i have the option Open Messenger Window on Messenger start OFF, then the plugin is not loaded, on startup but after a small delay, which spoils everything with my system tray modifs.
From what i read in a post, and if i understand well, the MsgPlusLoader.dll searches for the Messenger window in order to hook... wouldn;t be the same if it searched for the hidden window of the tray in order to hook so that the plugins get loaded immediatelly ???
or is there another reason for the delay ?