Originally posted by Chris Boulton
Originally posted by .blade//
Mybb bug
This is nothing that MyBB has done - its got to do with your CSS.quote:
Originally posted by .blade//
Firstly - don't tell me to go to the Mybb forums, I went there and my thread never was replied to.
Maybe you could bump it then so we could see it?
Its because of how you've got it set out and set up.
For example, open it in Firefox and then resize the window inwards slowly - you'll see the logo and such move their position. You will also see if you resize it to a certain size, that it is fixed.
Basically the reason behind it is:
#container {
width: 96%;
margin: auto auto;
You're using percentage widths which will be different for everyone on every resolution and when a window is resized they're resized too.
You need to move the logo html outside of the container div.
Case closed. Not a firefox bug either.
1) I meant a bug WITH myBB, not a bug IN myBB
2) I did bump my thread and still got no replies so w/e.