RE: Why does this addon make my Messenger slower?
It could be a too strict rule in your firewall settings which is a leftover of previous msn messenger versions. The current version uses some more/other connections and these need to be allowed too in your firewall. (note: check _all_ your firewalls you might have, this includes the windows xp firewall and any other software firewall like the ones from Norton Internet Security stuff). So...
1) close MSN Messenger completely
2) delete the rule(s) you have in your firewall(s)
3) restart MSN Messenger
4) and when the firewall pops up again and asks you if it can permit msn messenger to make connections, confirm it...
Another cause can be that there is something screwed up in the directory setting of your recieved files for MSN Messenger (by default this is "my documents\My Received Files") or the directory of you msn messenger logs. Check them both to were you've set them in the msn messenger settings. Then, rename those directories or delete them all together en restart MSN Messenger...
Or, but this is only a remote chance, the MSN server which you are using has some serious trouble with your account (it's possible, happened before). The reset this, you need to go to your registry (Start > Run > regedit ) to the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger. There you'll find a key value named Server. Double click it and clear the contents. After this try to restart MSN Messenger again.
It could also be a cache problem of the saved display pictures from your contacts. To reset those, clear your Microsoft Internet Explorer's cache.
Or it could be a cache problem of your smileys, DP's, winks, and other local stuff. To reset those (read: clear those) you need to delete the application data directory of MSN Messenger. This directory can be found in your documents and settings directory under your windows login: useually something like C:\Documents and Settings\yourwindowsaccount\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.