Originally posted by .blade//
I can't drink beer, eat swordfish, eat tuna, eat at McDonald's, take a shower, drive my car or walk down the street downtown because they all cause health risks? So when will there be a study showing that blinking has health risks?
lol, I think they finally are saying being a nerd is the most healthy thing to do
* CookieRevised orders his own glas/plastic container to live in
hm wait, I can still twist my finger on the keyboard
On a serious note, such studies are nice to read, although it has to be said that many other things have a lot higher risk factor then something like this. Eg: the air you breath outdoors in a normal city will contain thousands more toxics then the air you breath in a shower. A pregnant woman or child will be at much more risk when they walk into a bar filled with smoke, than taking a shower for 10m everyday...