Originally posted by Fourjays
1. Emoticons randomly disappear and appear.
2. Handwriting sometimes says "Not all recipients can view handwriting so all handwriting will be displayed as text" (along those lines). We all know it works fine - this one tends to happen in mass convos more though.
3. Transfers will sometimes not appear correctly when you try to send them to someone, and then will say (after a good half hour) "transfer could not be sent".
4. Sometimes I will be talking to someone and it will suddenly say "this message couldn't be delivered to all recipients". The message is normally one that I sent to the person quite a while before, which they received perfectly fine.
5. You will be having a convo, and it will say "blah-de-blah has left this conversation. You ask the person why they left in a new window, and they say "I haven't left the conversation".
Numbered to make it easy to reply
1. Standard emoticons or custom?
2. mwe99, you don't need any plugins for MSNM7 handwriting - it works so long as you have the Ink Redistributables installed. As for the problem, it only happens if one of the participants hasn't got Handwriting enabled.
When person joins a conversation, one of the first things that's sent is a number that represents what that person's client supports. If the number doesn't indicate Handwriting is supported, it'll be disabled for the conversation.
3, 4. Server issues
5. mwe99 is right on this one