O.P. RE: latest msn messenger +msgplus +outlook03 +msn = !!
The method you described works if you do not have MSN 9 installed. But in the case that MSN 9 (Premium in my case w/Outlook Connector) is installed, there is no way to get the Email button to open up Outlook 2003. Unless someone else can prove me wrong...
Also, notice the weird behavior of the Email icon after you uninstall MSN 9 software. It opens up an IE page "...Local Settings\Temp\spng_redir.html" with an SP2 blocked content toolbar with a webpage displaying only the following:
You will now be redirected to the site you desired. If this is not the case please click [HERE].
Allowed block content and HERE button go to msn.com.
UGH! I thought I understood Windows inside out...