O.P. Alert When Closing Mass Conversations or Blocking
I expect all of you know about the alert you get when you close a mass conversation, or block someone. The one that says "Are you sure you want to do this?" blah blah. And then you have the tick box underneath. I am quite sure I never ticked that, because I like to have to alert, but since I installed StuffPlug, the alert has gone. Now, I disabled StuffPlug, and it didn't come back, so maybe I did tick it, saying I didn't want it to ask me everytime, I dunno, I dont remember ticking it... But is there anyway I can get it back? I have un-installed and re-installed MSN, but nope, nothing.
Oh, and i'm not using the BETA.
Any help?
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry,
but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"