Originally posted by j4n
I was thinking of another way to change your status after a certain time.
Now your status is changed when you do nothing with your computer, I'd like to see it changed after X time where I haven't sent any messages.
What bothers me about the current system is that when I'm actually doing something on my pc I still get messages because my status won't change when I'm typing. Imo it would be the most elegant solution if MSN changed my status automatically when I'm ignoring it, in other words when I haven't sent messages for a certain period.
I've looked in the database and couldn't find a plugin with this function, so I was wondering if I could make it myself. It didn't look that difficult to me, but there is no event for sent messages. Well there is the parsecommand function but that is only called when messages start with /x.
Then on these forums in other threads they suggested a proxy, but if I'm not mistaken that would be a different process and I'd like it to be part of MSN/Messenger Plus.
Did I miss something or wouldn't it be worth the effort?
It sounds like a great idea, but to be honest, it would be nice to switch it into BPM (Boss Protection Mode) instead of simply changing your status. BPM is better (IMO of course) because it changes the MSN icon and hides all conversation windows and blocks sounds from playing, etc. Unless that's what you meant.